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Nanfeng Mandarin is very famous fruit,it's thin skin with few pits,orange colour is beautiful. fragrance,taste shape and color are all good,it's one of the best fruit.
Famous Nanfeng Mandarin
驰名中外 / 南丰蜜桔
南丰蜜桔以皮薄核少 / 汁多少渣 / 色泽金黄 / 甜酸适口 / 营养丰富而享誉古今中外 / 色 / 香 / 味 / 形俱全 / 是柑桔中的精品 / 水果中的佳品 / 也是食之悦口 / 视之悦目 / 闻之悦鼻 / 誉之悦耳的四悦水果哦

Nanfeng Mandarin
Nanfeng Mandarin is very famous fruit,it's thin skin with few pits,orange colour is beautiful. fragrance,taste shape and color are all good,it's one of the best fruit.
南丰蜜桔以皮薄核少,汁多少渣,色泽金黄,甜酸适口,营养丰富而享誉古今中外。色、香、味、形俱全 , 是柑桔中的精品,水果中的佳品。为食之悦口、视之悦目、 闻之悦鼻、誉之悦耳的四悦水果哦。
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